Register a Patient

We will send email confirmation with a copy of this completed form for your records.

Patient Details

Health Insurance Details

Emergency Contact

Medical History

Legal Guardian


I hereby consent to the Australian Dental Foundation collecting relevant information to assist in the provision of dental care and to provide the dental treatment required during the upcoming dental appointment.

I agree that the information I have provided above is true and accurate, and I understand that failure to pay this account in full by the due date may incur additional costs, fees, and charges to recover the outstanding amount. I further acknowledge that failure to cancel an appointment without any fair notice may also result in a charge applied. I understand if additional treatment is required, the Australian Dental Foundation’s treating clinician will discuss it with the patient (if self-consenting), and/or with their next of kin/legal guardian before proceeding.

Preferred Appointment Day/Time
Please select a day and time range the patient is avaiable to attend the appoinment. We will then contact you to finalise your appointment time.


Patients aged 2 to 17- Important Information

To complete your child's registration, please complete the Child Dental Benefits Scheme form below.

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is a dental benefits program that provides eligible children with financial assistance (capped at $1,095) per child for basic dental services over a 2-year calendar period. Our team will check your child’s eligibility on your behalf and will be in contact with you shortly to confirm your appointment.

Draw signature|Type signatureClear
Patient / legal guardian signature